Travel Maps: Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon is pretty much European San Francisco. Not just because they have a red bridge that looks so similar to the Golden Gate Bridge, but the hilly streets, chill vibe, mild weather, and diverse food feel so much like California’s own global center of arts, sciences, and economic activity.
Below is an itinerary I’ve created for my own trip in Lisbon. Each color represents an afternoon’s adventure or a segment of similar activities. Some days are packed. Some days are light to leave room for impromptu adventures or rest.
Below the map, you will find my research notes on what to see, and what to eat in Lisbon, Portugal— known locally as Lisboa.
*You can also save and customize my maps for your own trip planning!
Just click on the ‘view larger’ rectangle on the right hand corner -> copy map, and now you have a copy that you can customize to your interests during your visit!

Penang, Malaysia is in my opinion, one of the most underrated destinations out there.
Edinburgh is a strangely familiar place with lots of history and character.

Hi there! I'm Tari, and I’m embarking on a journey to 1000 cities. I’ll learn a lot about food, culture, photography, and customs along the way, so sharing my learnings and travel tips here!
This is the only travel blog that will offer fully customized and downloadable maps for your photo needs down to the GPS marker.
Follow me on IG: @Journeyto1000Cities