Can I Day Trip to Procida Island from Rome?

Good question! There’s no simple answer to this, because it depends on what your traveling style is and how long you want your day to be. But here’s what you need to know:
It takes a minimum of 2.5 hours to get to Procida from Rome.
This also means that it’s a 5 hour round trip. My trip Rome to Procida started around 6am in the morning and ended around midnight. It was fun and beautiful, but not sustainable.
Traveling from Rome to Procida can be expensive
I splurged for this trip and paid 98 euros for transportation alone. And I’m fortunate to have the means for this. But it may not be worth it for other budget travelers.
You can’t really explore Naples and Procida in the same day.
When I knew I’d be passing by Naples to see Procida on this trip, I thought I could make the time to explore Naples on the same day as well. That didn’t end up happening, and I have reserved seeing Naples for a different trip.
So to answer your question… it depends on the type of traveler you are and the kind if trip you want to take.
If you’re a adventurous traveler who just wants to get a glimpse of Procida…
Yes, you can and you should day trip to Procida.
If you travel for scenic views and photography…
Yes, make the trip. Totally worth it.
If you’re a leisure traveler…
No, I would not recommend day tripping to Procida. Instead, you should take your time and spend more time here.
If you’re a budget traveler…
Maybe, but probably not. A day trip here from Rome is a splurge.

Hi there! I'm Tari, and I’m embarking on a journey to 1000 cities. I’ll learn a lot about food, culture, photography, and customs along the way, so sharing my learnings and travel tips here!
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