Why you should go to Procida

I visited Procida Island today.
Unlike many of the other beautiful spots around Italy, Procida island is a breathtaking destination just off the coast of Naples that is mostly inhabited by locals. Judging by the lack of English we heard, and attention we got as Asian-looking people, I'd guess that this is not the most touristy destination either.
But what stood out about Procida to me wasn't its breathtaking beauty.
It wasn't its gorgeous colorful architecture shown at every turn; boats on all sides of the island.
Or the hilarious mini cars that drive on the streets all the time.
And it definitely wasn't behind catcalled by 80% of the men who passed by us on the island.
What stood out to me the most, was observing and watching the locals interact with each other. The familiarity they had, the comradery, the friendly neighborly vibe that I thought only existed in storybooks.
Procidans would drive their motecycle down the street and wave/shout to friends who are walking. Painters on balconies would have conversations with friends- with and without vechicles that just happened to pass by- as if half the passerbys were their friends. Storekeepers lighting up as they converse with their friends- just because they passed by their storefront.
The entire island felt like one big family. A family that knew at first glance that you were not once of them- but instead of turning you away, they'd chat with and share recommendations on what part of their home they think you should visit.
I think that this familiarity and fraternity that locals had on Procida is something truly special. I didn't know it existed anymore, but was delighted to realize it does, and humbled to observe it in this breathtaking island.
Thank you for welcoming me into your home, Procida. I believe that YOU are Italy's best kept secret. Looks like you're not just a pretty face!

Hi there! I'm Tari, and I’m embarking on a journey to 1000 cities. I’ll learn a lot about food, culture, photography, and customs along the way, so sharing my learnings and travel tips here!
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